Mario Sandoval, president of the AMFE (Asociación Mexicana de Entidades Financieras Especializadas) announced that
real state development is key to reactivate the financial market. On a similar note, Stefano M. Stoppani, Principal Director or CRIFMexico and Regional Director for Latinamerica, mentioned back in February that proactive fianancial management infrastructure (for payments) requires the usage of four aspects to allow for the right decisions to be made and for efficient execution:
- software
- processes and organization
- data
- analysis
What his means for us is that Agile-lean management and software development, if implemented, can play a crucial role in all of them.
On the software side we have methodologies such as scrum, XP, etc. that increase the efficiency of teams and the overall quality of the software generated. On the process and organization side we have agile-lean project management which creates a better structure for all stakeholders, including customers, to collaborate and make decisions. Agile databases enables data modeling and their implementation to be done more effectively. Good modeling is crucial to good analysis and agile modeling provides waste-elimination ways to do so without consuming vast amounts of time and resources.